EST. 2024


I’m so glad you stopped by.

Rewa Pressley

Blogger | Content Creator

I am a blogger, content creator and the founder of RED PRESS Communications LLC, a digital content company. Through my blog, The RED Presspective and my visual media company, PRESSing Toward the Mark Productions, I provide a space for broken women to see themselves and to safely exchange their pieces for God’s peace, so that they can live whole and healthy lives.

What is my message?

good question.

I’m not married or divorced or widowed, so the message isn’t marriage.

I don’t have any children, so the message isn’t motherhood.

And as one who has always defined her worth and womanhood by those things, accepting that God had words that He wanted me to share has become another chapter of the story of my life.

What God has shown me is that my voice is no less valuable because of what I don’t have.  So, here I am – an introverted woman more comfortable with a pen than with people – out here in these content creator streets, proclaiming the Good News.

And the very specific message that He’s given me to share is this: from piece to peace.

How we share the Good News…

RED PRESS Communications LLC
is made up of two content arms:

PRESSing Toward the Mark Productions is the video arm of RED PRESS Communications that uses real-life testimonies and fictional tales to reveal truth in story form.

The RED PRESSpective is the written arm of RED PRESS Communications, inviting you to see Jesus through the press — it is a look at the Good News.)

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